Blood Pressure Self-Monitoring
Take Action To Improve Heart Health
If you live with high blood pressure, taking action to keep it well-controlled will minimize your risk for complications like stroke, heart attack, and even death.
The Siouxland Y offers a variety of classes and services to help prevent and manage chronic diseases and promote safe, healthy activity. Unless otherwise noted, our classes are available to ALL YMCA and Community members who might find them beneficial, with or without a specific diagnosis.
If you live with high blood pressure, taking action to keep it well-controlled will minimize your risk for complications like stroke, heart attack, and even death.
Delay the Disease (DTD) is our twice-weekly fitness program designed to empower people with Parkinson’s Disease. Our goal is to optimize your physical function and help delay the progression of symptoms. Daily exercise is being advertised as the newest drug for Parkinson’s Disease.
The Unlocking Brain Fitness: Keys to Dementia Prevention (KEYS) program aligns with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, World Health Organization, and National Institute of Health guidelines on reducing the risk for cognitive impairment, Alzheimer’s Disease, and related dementias.